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Nathan Blake


Nathan Blake AKA "The Beast", became known to the Zumba® world when he became a YOU TUBE sensation. With over 2 million views on his dance video viewed in over 40 countries and 6 continents, he earned the nickname, "Mister World Wide".  Blake performed on stage with Beto Perez with the creator of Zumba® as a back up dancer in the 2009 & 2010 Zumba® Convention.  Blake has been at every major Zumba event nationally and internationally, including major fitness events in Australia, Germany, France and Sweden. Recently Blake was just in Czech Republic help to lead a warm up for Beto and the Zumba team.  Blake now teaches fitness and dance in Queens, New York and has developed his own class called the "BLAKE EXPERIENCE". Blakes personal mission statement on life is:  Live with positivity in your life and do something nice everyday to someone. Treat everyday like it's your last and try to have no regrets, and most of all try to "MAKE IT HAPPEN".


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